Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting Started...

This blog is more for me than it is for you.  I have battled with weight loss for several years now and am just tired of being heavy and tired all the time.  I do not have a desire to look like a supermodel or to have the best looking body.  What I want to achieve is a healthy lifestyle.  That means eating right and getting active.

Gaining weight is the easy part.  Getting it off is a whole different story.  Why is it that we can't just get rid of it like we gained it?  Would that make life so much easier?

So I am going to track my progress here on this blog.  I am going to post pictures as I go to show my progress.  I will share meal ideas and how I am getting more active.  If you stumble across this blog and are having these same issues, please follow me and leave comments with your experiences and recipes that you may have tried.

I know I can do this.  I just have to stay motivated.  I have even thought of hanging a picture of me on the fridge so that when I see it I just want to walk away.  LOL  Maybe I shouldn't do that since my 12 year old son has friends over all the time, but I do need to find ways to stay motivated and stay on track.

My first step is weighing in.  I weighed in today (which is my start day).  I weigh 206.4 as of June 17, 2013. I have a final goal weight of 130 which I hope to be at by the end of April 2014.  That is 76.4 lbs that need to go away.  In the meantime I have set two goals.  The 1st goal is to lose 50 lbs by December 30th.  The second goal is to lose 26.4 lbs by the end of April.  Totally doable right?

Setting goals is so important during this journey.  I need to remember to set small goals within my overall goal.  This will keep me going better than if I only have one major goal.  Now that I have set the weight loss goal, I need to set a food goal, a water goal, and an exercise goal.  So here is what I have in mind.

I am a big Pepsi drinker so cutting those out will be hard but will be so worth it.  I have a really cute tumbler glass with flip flops on it.  This will be my new Water cup.  It is 24 oz if filled to the top.  My water goal will be to start off I will drink 2-3 full glasses each day.  This will give me a total of either 48 oz (6 cups) or 72 oz (9 cups).  This will get my water flowing and get me hydrated.  Did you know that most Americans are dehydrated all the time.  We really don't drink enough water.  So here is getting the water flowing.

Food goals are a little harder.  For the 1st 2-3 weeks I will simply focus on eating lower calories during the day.  Then over time I will incorporate more veggies and fruits and leaner meats.  I will be researching amazing low calorie recipes that the whole family can enjoy.  One issue that I have is my son and husband do not need to lose weight.  They are both skinny, healthy, and active so I need to focus on meals that will be healthy for them without them losing weight too.

Getting active for me should be easy.  I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids.  My son is 12 years old and my daughter is almost 10 months.  Why is it so hard to get out and get moving?  So here is the plan.  For the 1st month I will walk at least 30 mins 4 times a week.  Twice a week I will do an at home workout video.  Getting to the gym is harder for me since I enjoy being home with the hubby when he gets home from work.

So with all these plans in place, now I need to get working on them.  So here is to a healthier, more active, happier lifestyle.  I will post pictures later today of my NOW pictures.  Then each month or two I will take another to show my progress.  I can do this and am totally ready to make healthier choices in my life.  Here goes nothing!

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